August ’20 HR To Do List
Thursday, August 6, 2020 This year’s summer has been different for everyone with the COVID-19 pandemic, and in the blink of an eye it’s almost over already! Many parents are struggling to figure out the back to school situation and how it will impact their work...
Updates Regarding Form I-9
Thursday, July 27th, 2020 The I-9 form is often misunderstood, but right now the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is actually making it *easier* for employers to use! Imagine that! Due to the ongoing pandemic, DHS has provided flexibility for employers to review...
5500 Filing
Tuesday, July 21st, 2020 Tax forms aren’t the most exciting things in the world, but they are necessary! To satisfy the annual reporting requirements under the ERISA and Internal Revenue Code, Form 5500 was developed. This form is to provide information to the IRS and...
Today is another victory for the LGBQT community!
Monday, June 15th, 2020 Today is another victory for the LGBQT community! The Supreme Court today has federally extended workplace protections to gay, lesbian and transgender workers nationwide. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which previously did not...
Is Your Business Ready to Re-Open?
Tuesday, June 9th, 2020 By: Aga TrinidadAs many states and counties enter Phases 2 and 3, businesses are starting to prepare their employees to return to their workplace. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had issued an updated guideline to help...
Video Interviewing
Friday, May 10th, 2020 By: Aga TrinidadTimes are changing and technology is becoming more of an everyday norm. With the added COVID-19 pandemic, many of us are working remotely and having to use video platforms for our daily work interactions. This video conferencing...
Covid-19 Benefits
Tuesday, April 22nd, 2020 By: Aga TrinidadThere has been so much information swirling around for small business owners to sift through regarding the novel CoronaVirus. We are getting a lot of questions from our clients about benefits plans right now: how can I...
Healthy Resources during Shelter-in-Place Orders
Thursday, April 9th, 2020 I gave myself the title of “outgoing introvert” long ago; meaning I can go work a room, do a presentation, and network with ease….but only for so long. After being in a room full of people, I NEED my alone time, to the point where when the...
COVID-19 Legislation Considerations for Small Business Owners
Thursday, April 3rd, 2020 NOTE: This document is not legal advice and is up to date as of April 1, 2020. This situation is still changing rapidly and you should work with your HR team/CPA and/or attorneys to determine the right course of action for your company or...
Employer Action: New Poster Requirements
Monday, March 30, 2020 Information is coming at us fast and furious, and we know things are changing every day for employers when it comes to dealing with the novel Coronavirus. How we work, when we work, and even IF we work are all impacted. One thing we do know is...
Families First Coronavirus Response Act
Thursday, March 19, 2020 We know there are a lot of questions out there regarding the bill that Congress passed yesterday. Below is a *very* abbreviated overview of the items that pertain to small businesses (under 500 employees). There is a LOT more covered in this...
September ’19 HR To Do List
Monday, August 26, 2019 Can you believe it's nearly 4th quarter already?! Now is the time to start preparing for the madness of 4th quarter - the more you prepare now, the easier it will be at year-end. Kids are back in school in September! Do you need to revisit any...