
August ’19 HR To Do List

Monday, July 29, 2019 Summer  break is coming to an end and it's nearly Back To School! Getting kids back to school can mean productivity in your office can get a boost, as everyone settles back into their usual routines. Some reminders for both Bay Area companies and...

New Minimum Wage Rates Effective July 1

Sunday, July 01, 2019 July 1 is a big day this year! In addition to San Francisco's Consideration of Salary History Ordinance going into effect today, the minimum wage in several California cities and towns is increasing as well. Northern California cities with...

May ’19 HR To Do List

Tuesday, April 23, 2019 May is typically a slower month for HR, but never fear! There's always something important to get done! Slower months can mean a greater opportunity to focus on your company culture, plan some fun office events, and get everyone ready for...

April ’19 HR To Do List

Monday, April 08, 2019 Welcome Spring! If you follow us on Facebook or Instagram, you already know that our theme of the month is Spring Cleaning! This applies not only to the home; a good spring cleaning at the office can have a huge impact on productivity! Consider...

January ’19 HR To Do List

Monday, December 31, 2018 2018 has come and gone already, and with January upon us it's a natural time to sit down with your goals and new initiatives for the year ahead, and lay the groundwork to make all those great initiatives come to fruition! Our theme of the...

National Day of Mourning December 5th

Tuesday, December 04, 2018 Tomorrow, December 5, 2018, will be a National Day of Mourning, as we pause to celebrate and remember the life of President George HW Bush, or simply, "41." Whatever your politics are, whether you voted for him or not, and whether you agreed...

Planning a Company Holiday Party?

Tuesday, November 27, 2018 'Tis the season....the season for parties galore!  Whether you're planning the whole thing or just "policing" it, the Company Holiday Party can be  fun for everyone - even if you're in HR!  We've worked up some tips to make the party less of...

December ’18 To Do List

Tuesday, November 27, 2018 Time flies when you're having fun! We're amazed that 2018 is drawing to a close in the Bay Area we finally have some rain and it actually feels like fall! We encourage everyone to get outside and find that elusive balance -...

Planning your Company’s Holiday Party?

Sunday, November 26, 2018 'Tis the season....the season for parties galore! There's nothing like a great holiday party, but if you're in HR, you may be the one planning your  company's holiday party. How is it that those of us who are telling people not to drink at...

Lending a Helping Hand in Our Communities

Tuesday, November 13, 2018 Many of us start thinking about making some donations to local non-profits during the Holidays. This year, however, our neighbors in Butte and Ventura Counties need some help a little early. The devastation of these fires is hard for those...

November ’18 HR To Do List

Monday, October 29, 2018 Before you get too involved in your lists for gift-giving, parties, and shopping, don't neglect your HR to do list for the month of November! Open enrollment for Obamacare health plans is November 1 through December 15 for plans effective...

October ’18 HR To Do List

Monday, October 01, 2018 October is upon us! Now that we're starting the 4th quarter, it's all about Endurance. Endurance is so important during this last part of the year! Not only are you staying strong in your business and meeting those year-end goals, but...