Get Prepped! California Minimum Wage Changes for 2018
‘Tis the season!
Many cities in California have minimum wage ordinances that are greater than the state of California’s. As we wind down 2017, it’s a good time for employers to take a look at where they operate (and where their employees work!) especially when it comes to these minimum wage ordinances. We’ve put together a list of cities and counties with such ordinances below – but remember, it’s always a good idea to check with your local government since effective dates have been known to change!
First and foremost, on January 1, 2018, California’s minimum wage goes up to $11.00 per hour for employers with 26 or more employees, and to $10.50 per hour for employers with fewer than 26 employees. This means that unless you’re in one of the cities below, or you have employees working in one of the cities below, you should abide by California’s minimum wage.
Other increases effective January 1, 2018 include:
City New Minimum Wage Amount
Cupertino $13.50
El Cerrito $13.60
Long Beach $11.00 (businesses with 26 or more employees)
Long Beach $10.50 (businesses with 25 or fewer employees)
Los Altos $13.50
Mountain View $15.00
Oakland $13.23
Palo Alto $13.50
Richmond $13.41
Sacramento $11.00 (businesses with 100 or more employees; 6-month delay for those with fewer than 40 employees)
San Jose $13.50
San Mateo $13.50
San Mateo $12.00 for 501(c)(3) non-profits only
Santa Clara $13.00
Santa Monica $13.25 (businesses with 26 or more employees)
Santa Monica $12.00 (businesses with 25 or fewer employees)
Sunnyvale $15.00
The following cities will have minimum wage changes effective July 1, 2018:
Los Angeles
San Francisco
San Leandro
Check back with us in June for new minimum wage rates; and contact us any time with questions at Always check with your own local government agency if you’re unsure about the minimum wage in your city or town, as these rates can change at the 11th hour!