
Quick Thought: Harassment…in YOUR Industry?

Thursday, December 14, 2017 Quick Thoughts: Rampant Harassment Yesterday as I was driving between networking meetings, client meetings, and Girl Scout meetings, I heard a report on the radio discussing how rampant sexual harassment is in the restaurant industry. (It's...

December ’17 HR To Do List

Tuesday, November 28, 2017 Can you believe 2017 is almost in the books already? Seems like just yesterday we were planning out the year for 2017...and now here comes the plan for 2018. Before we get there though, let's make sure we're planning for year-end and all the...

November HR To Do List

Monday, October 30, 2017 Can you believe it's already November? Halloween is in the books and it's time to get ready for the Holidays again already. Before you get too involved in your lists for gift-giving, parties, and shopping, don't neglect your HR to do list!...

October HR To Do List

Thursday, September 28, 2017 It's officially fall! Everyone is enjoying their pumpkin-spice-everythings, the leaves are turning, and there's a bite in the air. It's a great time for HR folks to start thinking about and preparing for year-end, as well. We've put...

September HR To Do List

Thursday, September 21, 2017 2017 has flown by and it's nearly 4th quarter already! Now is the time to start preparing for the madness of 4th quarter - the more you prepare now, the easier it will be at year-end. Kids are back in school in September! Do you need to...

Small Business Council September Event: Ignite HR Solutions!

Wednesday, September 06, 2017 At Ignite HR Solutions, we believe in educating our clients and supporting our community at the same time. With that in mind, we became a founding member of the Small Business Council of the Danville Area Chamber of Commerce.  The Council...

Small Business Council July Event – Joe Davis of Opus Bank

Wednesday, September 6, 2017 At Ignite HR Solutions, we believe in educating our clients and supporting our community at the same time. With that in mind, we became a founding member of the Small Business Council of the Danville Area Chamber of Commerce.  The Council...

Domestic Violence Notice

Friday, July 07, 2017 Another notice requirement went into effect on July 1, where employers of more than 25 people must provide written notice to new employees (and current employees upon request) about the the rights of victims of domestic violence, sexual assault,...

Minimum Wage Increases Take Effect July 1

Wednesday, June 28, 2017Around the country, minimum wages are increasing faster than not only the federal minimum wage, but often the state minimum wage as well. July 1, 2017 is a big day in the world of minimum wage increases, as numerous jurisdictions in states...

July HR To Do List

Wednesday, June 28, 2017 2017 is half over already! Can you believe it?  The Fourth of July is almost here, so get out there and enjoy your hometown parade, have a BBQ with friends, or binge on some Netflix shows you've been saving up...but be sure to celebrate our...

How to Train your Lawyer

Thursday, June 08, 2017 Ignite HR Solutions is a proud member of the Danville Area Chamber of Commerce, and along with Tess Owen of Omni Social Media, Glenn Bittner of Mass Mutual, Robert S. Robinson, and Joe Davis of Opus Bank, we are founding members of the DACC's...

June HR To-Do List

Thursday, June 08, 2017 The dog days of summer are here! Thankfully there aren't many deadlines during the month of June where HR is concerned, but since we're halfway through the year, it's a good time to audit yourself and your HR department. But maybe sneak in a...